
C #에서 읽기 전용 파일이있는 디렉터리를 어떻게 삭제합니까?

itboxs 2021. 1. 9. 09:37

C #에서 읽기 전용 파일이있는 디렉터리를 어떻게 삭제합니까?

읽기 전용 파일이 포함 된 디렉터리를 삭제해야합니다. 더 나은 접근 방식 :

  • DirectoryInfo.Delete(), 또는 사용

  • ManagementObject.InvokeMethod("Delete")?

을 사용하면 DirectoryInfo.Delete()각 파일에 대해 읽기 전용 속성을 수동으로 해제 ManagementObject.InvokeMethod("Delete")해야 하지만 그럴 필요는 없습니다. 하나가 다른 것보다 더 바람직한 상황이 있습니까?

샘플 코드 (test.txt는 읽기 전용 임).

첫 번째 방법 :

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\");

DirectoryInfo test = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test\");
File.Copy(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\test.txt", @"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test\test.txt");
File.SetAttributes(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test\test.txt", FileAttributes.Archive);

두 번째 방법 :

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\");

DirectoryInfo test = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test\");
File.Copy(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\test.txt", @"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test\test.txt");

string folder = @"C:\Users\David\Desktop\Test";
string dirObject = "Win32_Directory.Name='" + folder + "'";
using (ManagementObject managementObject = new ManagementObject(dirObject))
    ManagementBaseObject outParams = managementObject.InvokeMethod("Delete", null,
    // ReturnValue should be 0, else failure
    if (Convert.ToInt32(outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value) != 0)

여기서 설정 확장 방법 AttributesNormal재귀는 다음 항목을 삭제

public static void DeleteReadOnly(this FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo)
    var directoryInfo = fileSystemInfo as DirectoryInfo;    
    if (directoryInfo != null)
        foreach (FileSystemInfo childInfo in directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos())

    fileSystemInfo.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;

재귀 호출을 피하는 가장 간단한 방법은 다음과 같이 s를 AllDirectories가져올 때 옵션 을 사용하는 FileSystemInfo것입니다.

public static void ForceDeleteDirectory(string path) 
    var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path) { Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal };

    foreach (var info in directory.GetFileSystemInfos("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
        info.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;


이 시도,

private void DeleteRecursiveFolder(string pFolderPath)
    foreach (string Folder in Directory.GetDirectories(pFolderPath))

    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(pFolderPath))
        var pPath = Path.Combine(pFolderPath, file);
        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pPath);
        File.SetAttributes(pPath, FileAttributes.Normal);


재귀가 필요없는 또 다른 방법입니다.

public static void ForceDeleteDirectory(string path)
    DirectoryInfo root;
    Stack<DirectoryInfo> fols;
    DirectoryInfo fol;
    fols = new Stack<DirectoryInfo>();
    root = new DirectoryInfo(path);
    while (fols.Count > 0)
        fol = fols.Pop();
        fol.Attributes = fol.Attributes & ~(FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.ReadOnly | FileAttributes.Hidden);
        foreach (DirectoryInfo d in fol.GetDirectories())
        foreach (FileInfo f in fol.GetFiles())
            f.Attributes = f.Attributes & ~(FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.ReadOnly | FileAttributes.Hidden);

private void DeleteRecursiveFolder(DirectoryInfo dirInfo)
    foreach (var subDir in dirInfo.GetDirectories())

    foreach (var file in dirInfo.GetFiles())


가장 좋은 해결책은 모든 파일을 읽기 전용으로 표시 한 다음 디렉토리를 삭제하는 것입니다.

// delete/clear hidden attribute
File.SetAttributes(filePath, File.GetAttributes(filePath) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);

// delete/clear archive and read only attributes
File.SetAttributes(filePath, File.GetAttributes(filePath) 
    & ~(FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.ReadOnly));

Notice that ~ is a Bitwise logical operator which returns the complement of the given binary value. I haven't tested this, but it should work.


I would say that your first approach looks more explicit and readable. The second method smells like reflection, is not type safe and looks weird. The ManagementObject can represent multiple things, so it's not obvious that .InvokeMethod("Delete") actually deletes a directory.

The thing that I don't like about the first approach (directory.delete) is the case where there are subdirectories that also contain read-only files, and they have subdirectories that have read-only files as well, and so on. It seems like you'd have to turn off that flag for every file in the directory and all subdirectories recursively.

With the second approach, you can just delete that first directory, and it doesn't check whether the files are read-only. However, this is the first time I've used WMI in C#, so I am not all that comfortable with it. So I am unsure when to go with the WMI approach for other applications, instead of just using the System.IO methods.

On the surface, using the WMI approach seems more efficient than iterating over the entire file system (assume for example the directory has 10's of thousands of files). But I do not know that WMI also doesn't do iterations. If it does, being closer to the metal (again, assumptions) it should be more efficient.

For elegance, I concede the recursive method is cool.

Performance testing should answer the efficiency question. And either can be elegant if wrapped in an extension method of DirectoryInfo.

Here is another solution that avoids recursion on itself.

public static void DirectoryDeleteAll(string directoryPath)
    var rootInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath) { Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal };
    foreach (var fileInfo in rootInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()) fileInfo.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
    foreach (var subDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
        var subInfo = new DirectoryInfo(subDirectory) { Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal };
        foreach (var fileInfo in subInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()) fileInfo.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
    Directory.Delete(directoryPath, true);

This works by resettings attributes on the folders and files before the delete, so you could just remove the last line for a 'DirectoryResetAttributes' method and use delete separately.

On a related note, while this worked, I then had issues with deleting paths that were 'too long' and ended up using a robocopy solution posted here: C# deleting a folder that has long paths

To follow up on Vitaliy Ulantikov's solution I have supplemented it with a rename/move folder method:

  public static void renameFolder(String sourcePath, String targetPath) {
        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetPath))
           DeleteFileSystemInfo(new DirectoryInfo(targetPath));
        System.IO.Directory.Move(sourcePath, targetPath);
     catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("renameFolder: " + sourcePath + " " + targetPath + " " + ex.Message);
        throw ex;

  private static void DeleteFileSystemInfo(FileSystemInfo fsi) {
     fsi.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
     var di = fsi as DirectoryInfo;

     if (di != null)
        foreach (var dirInfo in di.GetFileSystemInfos())


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