
내부 사용자에게 TestFlight 초대 이메일이 전송되지 않습니다

itboxs 2020. 6. 25. 22:02

내부 사용자에게 TestFlight 초대 이메일이 전송되지 않습니다

TestFlight에 대한 응용 프로그램을 설정했습니다. 외부 사용자의 경우 검토 대기 중입니다. 그러나 내부 사용자를 초대하려면 해당 사용자를 선택하고 초대를 누릅니다. 아이튠즈 커넥트 (iTunes Connects)는 지금 초대 받았지만 초대받은 이메일 중 어느 것도 초대 이메일을받지 못한다고한다.

내가 뭘 잘못하고 있는지 알아?

동일한 버전의 새 빌드의 경우 빌드를 사용할 수있게되면 해당 버전의 테스트를 끄고 즉시 다시 켜야했습니다. 이것은 즉시 업데이트 알림을 TestFlightApp에 ​​보냈고, 테스터에게 이메일을 보냈으며, 사용자가 새 빌드를 설치할 수있게했습니다.

TestFlight 테스트 온 / 오프 스위치

이것은 뛰어난 버그입니다. 보고서가 제출되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참조하십시오. Apple이이 문제를 더 빨리 해결하도록하려면을 통해 유사한 보고서를 제출 하십시오.

내부 테스터 초대 버그 보고서

I've been round and round on this as well. What finally worked for me was to clear the internal tester status on the user, double check that the account was removed from the Internal / External list and then re-enable tester status for the user. Invite as an internal tester then worked for that user.

You have to fill the "What to Test" section. After you will be able to send invites for internal members.

I needed to resend the invitation email to an internal tester. The following work for me:

deselect the invited tester and save. this remove the invite. re-select the same tester and save. this added the tester and re-send the email.

Also, you have to click on the link in the email to see the update. Otherwise, the TestFlight app still shows no app available until you click on the link. I found the email was in the spam folder in the first place ...

Working with the new Testflight has been pretty frustrating for me as well. After a prolonged phone call to Apple's developer support (1800 633 2152) I finally got to a senior support representative who gave me the following steps and also reassured me that they are aware that this is a workaround and that these issues will be fixed soon. Wish Apple would just own up to their mistakes though and openly apologize to developers etc. This worked for me immediately (all emails got sent out, including ones for previous versions). It also did not require me to delete any users from Users & Roles, which was nice. Shouldn't matter, but I did this in Safari, and after clearing all history, quitting, and re-opening the browser and signing back in.

  1. Turn off Testflight Beta testing for the build under that app's "Prerelease" (green toggle switch to the top right of the active build)

  2. Deselect the checkboxes for the users in "Internal Testers" and/or external testers, then click save.

  3. Go to "Users & Roles" in iTunes Connect, then "TestFlight Beta Testers"

  4. Deselect all the users and click save. (For external testers you may need to delete them and re-add them. I didn't have any external testers in my case so I don't know for sure.)

  5. Reselect the users and click save

  6. Return to the Prerelease section for the app and click "Internal Testers".

  7. Reselect the users you want and click save.

  8. Back on the Builds page, click to turn TestFlight Beta testing back on for the build you want.

After doing that in that order, I immediately got sent all the missing invites, and also a new user confirmation email that I had tried to send myself.

Note a related problem I had was with users who appeared on both the internal and external list. Try to avoid that because it is buggy.

EDIT: so even though I went through all this, when I tried to use the link in the email I finally got from TestFlight, it said it's invalid!

I did a couple more on/off cycles and I eventually got one that works. Also turning on Testflight testing before selecting the testers may have helped.

My solution: Use an App Store Distribution profile, not an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile for submitting your app.

And secondly, you have to recreate the App Store Distribution Profile before submitting the app. This will add the betatest entitlement to the profile.

Maybe you need to remove the internal testers from the list and add them again.

My problem was I had invited everyone from internal testers to external testers as well. Removing them from externals has enabled the internal testing for them.

  • Click on the Internal Testers tab
  • Deselect the testers not receiving invites and Save
  • Return to the Builds tab
  • Click the Invite Testers link that appears
  • Reselect the previously deselected testers and Save

Ran into the issue and this worked without a lot of extra / wasted effort

Check your Trash/ Bin! All my 6 invites were automatically moved there because I unsubscribed from testing last week.

This is an issue with TestFlight. As a workaround,

  1. Remove the existing testers
  2. Save
  3. Add them again


The problem with inviting an internal tester is that you cannot have an internal and external tester with the same apple ID.

Although deleted and recreated the user in user roles I still had the same problem. When I removed the duplicate email from External Testers and went back to Internal Testers, the invite was sent.

Source : Check this SO link

Edit : I will still like to mention that when I tried it then I had to use an email which was not connected to iTunesConnect earlier. For some reason, Apple doesn't allow an existing iTunesConnect User to register as Internal Tester on Testflight and I don't have any explanation for this issue. I believe even Apple doesn't have an explanation and I assume its a major bug ;)

This seems obvious, but I didn't see a main reply with this solution. Make sure your app is in "Beta" status (already through Beta review by Apple). If it is still in Prerelease status but has no beta, external users will never get in invitation email.

I have had the same issue. 3 accounts altogether (1 mine, 2 others) initially, mine worked and both of the others. When I tried to update, only one worked. Since the only similarities with the other 2 was that they were GMAIL accounts, so I added one of my apps (to my phone, and I had to log onto test flight using it) - all seems to be working. I was told the Google spam filter was filtering these out and I couldn't figure out how to allow them through.

Please do not check/uncheck the Internal Tester status - sending another invite to these guys is a PAIN!

I simply incremented my build from 1.0 to 1.0.1 and submitted the app. The key is - to see if the APP is available right away as 'Active', then great! Else, if its sitting in the 'Processing' section of iTunes Connect (like a Fumb Duck), no use trying to revive that.

So, as soon as you find your app in the Processing Section - wait for about an hour, watch another episode of House of Cards 2.0 (3.0 is boring).. then..

  1. Increment Build - add an 0.1 to the current one
  2. Validate - dont forget to validate (I validated 3 times, just to be ultra sure)
  3. Submit
  4. Add Beta Information and Ta Da!


A bit heavy-handed, but it works.

  1. Delete the user: Itunes Connect, Users and Roles, Edit, Select user, Delete
  2. Re-create the user: (+), name, email, Next, Next, select 'Technical', Save
  3. User will get a confirmation email, once they accept,
  4. Itunes Connect, Users and Roles, Tap User's email in the list, Enable "Internal Testing"
  5. My Apps, Select App, Prerelease, Internal Testers, Select the user, Invite.
  6. User will get an email invitation, which they should accept from their device.

You're good to go.

This happened to me as well. In the end I just turned off beta testing for the build, re-enabled and re-invited the internal testers, email came through the second time around.

I tried it all, but none worked. Than I realise I was using a new email created for this sole purpose and hadn't used it in the App Store yet.

So the solution is simple:

  1. Log in with your new Apple ID in the App Store.
  2. You will be requested to finish your sign-up, filling info about address and title.
  3. No credit card information is needed, just leave it as none.
  4. After accepting the terms and log in in App Store, deselect the internal tester user in iTC, save it, select it again and then invite.
  5. All previous invitations got delivered in no time and all together.

Another bug i'm facing is that the app never finishing install in test flight app, but actually it is installed, just leave the app, and you will find it in the home screen.

Hope it helps someone.

Since the very recent new update to iTunes Connect, there is a prominent “Resend Invitation” button on all internal users who have not yet redeemed their invitation.

This is what worked for me in November 2017.

  1. Get the build approved by Apple for beta.
  2. Add the approved build in #1 to an app submission and save.
  3. 이제 외부 테스터 열 아래의 TestFlight> 빌드 : iOS에 재전송 초대 단추가 표시되거나 각 테스터의 상태 열 아래에 TestFlight> 테스터 및 그룹 : 모든 테스터가 표시됩니다.

외부 이메일 버튼이 있었기 때문에 초대 이메일이 내부 테스터에게 전송되도록하는 원인이 확실하지 않지만 # 2를 한 후 곧 내부 테스터로 초대를 받았습니다.

또한이 과정을 너무 신중하게 추적하지 않았으므로 앱 제출 (# 2)의 마케팅 빌드 버전을 베타 빌드 버전과 동일하게 변경하여 솔루션을 트리거했을 수 있습니다.

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