
TDD / BDD 스크린 캐스트 / 비디오 리소스

itboxs 2020. 7. 14. 20:55

TDD / BDD 스크린 캐스트 / 비디오 리소스

나는 최근 에 민첩한 가을의 스크린 캐스트를 보았고 비슷한 범위의 더 많은 자료를 찾고 있습니다. 기본적으로 저는 다소 "실제"응용 프로그램 (또는 그 일부)을 개발하면서 TDD / BDD 프로세스를 제공하는 스크린 캐스트를 찾고 있습니다. 따라서 20 분 정도 소개하지 마십시오. 그래도 그런 것을 찾지 못하는 것에 놀랐습니다. 요구 사항에 맞는 리소스를 알고 있으면 나열하십시오.

Object Mentor의 Brett SchuchertTDD에 일련의 비디오게시했습니다.

비디오는 순서대로 시청해야합니다.

  1. 시작하기
  2. 기본 연산자 추가
  3. 복제 제거
  4. 전략으로 추출
  5. 리팩토링을 통한 복제 제거 또는 Mockito를 사용하여 Tdd를 통한 복제 제거
  6. 추상 팩토리 소개
  7. 합계 연산자 추가
  8. 소인수 연산자 추가
  9. 연산자 구성 및 계산기 프로그래밍
  10. FitNesse를 사용하여 계산기 프로그래밍

Resharper, Visual Studio 2008 및 TDD를 사용하여 C #에서 션팅 야드 알고리즘을 만드는 방법에 대한 비디오 시리즈.

  1. C #, 1 부 분로 마당 알고리즘
  2. C #, 2 부에서의 션팅 야드 알고리즘
  3. C #의 션팅 야드 알고리즘, 3 부
  4. C #, 4 부에서의 야드 알고리즘
  5. 그 지독한 공간을 없애기, (4/5 부)
  6. 중복 연산자 표현 제거하기 (4/6 부)

다음은 특히 오이와 RSpec에 대한 일부 동영상입니다
오이 BDD
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RSpec에와 개발을 주도 행동
오이와 RSpec에와-에서 외부 작업을
너머 테스트 주도 개발 : 행동 기반 개발을

TDD / BDD에 대한 일반적인 비디오 :
테스트 주도 개발 및 리팩토링-1 부
테스트 주도 개발 및 리팩토링-2 부

Ruby Object 모델에 대한 최고의 무료 비디오 중 하나입니다
( 이것을 본 후 메타 프로그래밍에 관한 Pragmatic 시리즈를 구입했습니다 ) :
Ruby Object Model-Dave Thomas

다음은 훌륭한 비디오를 얻은 일부 사이트입니다. -울타리/

아, 그리고 구글 비디오를 잊지 마세요 .

그리고 여기 오이에 관한 20 기사에 대한 링크가있는 훌륭한 블로그 게시물이 있습니다 :

기본적으로 저는 다소 "실제"응용 프로그램 (또는 그 일부)을 개발하면서 TDD / BDD 프로세스를 제공하는 스크린 캐스트를 찾고 있습니다. 따라서 20 분 정도 소개하지 마십시오.

Let's Code is a screencast "reality show" series where I'm developing real projects using TDD, evolutionary design and similar practices - the way I normally work. Right now there are three screencasted projects:

  • Jumi - a new test runner for the JVM, aiming to eventually replace JUnit as the de facto test runner (over 10k SLOC codebase, Java)
  • Dimdwarf - a distributed application server for the needs of MMO games (over 15k SLOC codebase, mixed Scala and Java)
  • a simple text adventure game to show some programming basics (only 9 episodes, Java)

Each episode is about 25 minutes long and new episodes are released a couple per week (as of Sep 2012 there are over 260 episodes, over 130 hours).

Let's Play: Test-Driven Development is a screencast series where James Shore is using TDD in developing a small application. The current project is an application for estimating personal long-term finances (a Java Swing application). Each episode is about 15 minutes long and new episodes are released daily (as of Sep 2012 there are over 200 episodes, over 50 hours).

Miško Hevery, who is a developer at Google, has some great videos at his site.

Dave Astels has a Google tech talk called "Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development".

At Dnr TV there are two episodes with JP Boodhoo, where he gives an introduction to test driven development:

I've really been enjoying GeePawHill's DoubleDawgDare screencasts. They're refactoring legacy code, not TDD, but he definitely has the TDD ethos, and - well, they're worth a watch even if they're not quite what you're looking for.

I've bought Kent Beck's TDD screen casts. He is a very good teacher. I like how he focus in other aspects not just the mechanical steps of using the XUnit framework.

Here is a detailed review of the screencast.

Kent Beck started to work on his own TDD screencast. So far he put two unedited pieces of his tutorial on Vimeo but he promises to publish full edited versions soon.

Follow him on Twitter or Vimeo.

James Shore has a YouTube video series where he builds a small piece of software from scratch using TDD and recording every step of the process. To my mind this should be required viewing to anyone who's thinking about starting with TDD, I only came across it recently and I'm surprised it doesn't have more exposure. There's 120 15-minute videos - that's a LOT of material.

Efficient Rails Test-Driven Development - by Wolfram Arnold

  • Class 1
    • the economics of testing
    • Testing in layers, design patterns
    • Toolbox: RSpec with Rails
    • RSpec & Models
  • Class 2
    • A culture of testing: Why TDD? How to TDD?
    • Testing & Date Dependencies
    • Toolbox: Fixtures, Factories, Mocks & Stubs
  • Class 3
    • Controller testing
    • View, Helper, Routes Testing
    • How much is enough? How much is too much?
  • Class 4
    • Refactoring code & tests, custom matchers
    • API Testing
    • Remote data setup
    • Cucumber for API testing & documentation
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
    • Integration frameworks (Cucumber, Webrat, Capybara, and Selenium)
    • Integration testing with Selenium (advantages and problems)
    • Page Objects
    • Locators (Selenium, CSS and XPath locators)
    • RSpec Custom Matchers
    • Testing for Access Control

The guys over at TekPub make some great screencasts, and their 'Concepts'-series covers both unit testing and BDD.

They just released a new screen cast "Full Throttle: TDD with Brad Wilson" for $12 where Brad works on a billing subscription system using TDD.

Rob Conery also throws in some curve balls during the session to help show how TDD can adapt to change. Unfortunately, these are single episode series so there is only one, but it is an hour long.

We have a series of free and paid BDD screencasts at We're primarily ruby developers and our tools are cucumber and rspec.


I did a 25 minute screencast of the Bowling Kata in BDD. It is here:

Destroy All Software - topics on testing are mostly based on real projects, performance, refactoring and testing principles are described as well.

Take a look at Katacasts. From the site:

The Katacasts series consists of performance katas, done as screencasts, by Enrique Comba and me, Corey Haines.

I haven't watched them yet, but knowing that Corey is big advocate of TDD and Craftsmanship, and at least one of the pages explicitly mentions doing the kata as TDD, I think you may find what you are looking for.

참고URL :
