레일은 블록으로 부분적으로 렌더링
패널 스타일을 제공하는 내가 작성한 html 구성 요소를 재사용하려고합니다. 다음과 같은 것 :
<div class="v-panel">
<div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
<h3>Some Title</h3>
<div class="v-panel-c">
.. content goes here
<div class="v-panel-b"><div class="v-panel-br"></div><div class="v-panel-bl"></div></div>
따라서 렌더링에는 블록이 필요합니다. 나는 다음과 같은 것을 할 수 있다고 생각했다.
# /shared/_panel.html.erb
<div class="v-panel">
<div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
<h3><%= title %></h3>
<div class="v-panel-c">
<%= yield %>
<div class="v-panel-b"><div class="v-panel-br"></div><div class="v-panel-bl"></div></div>
그리고 나는 다음과 같은 것을하고 싶다 :
#some html view
<%= render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals =>{:title => "Some Title"} do %>
<p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the panel</p>
<% end %>
불행히도 이것은이 오류와 함께 작동하지 않습니다 :
ActionView::TemplateError (/Users/bradrobertson/Repos/VeloUltralite/source/trunk/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:1: , unexpected tRPAREN
old_output_buffer = output_buffer;;@output_buffer = ''; __in_erb_template=true ; @output_buffer.concat(( render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => "Welcome"} do ).to_s)
on line #1 of app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:
1: <%= render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => "Welcome"} do -%>
따라서 =
분명히 블록을 좋아하지는 않지만 블록을 제거하면 아무것도 출력하지 않습니다.
아무도 내가 여기서 달성하려고하는 일을하는 방법을 알고 있습니까? 내 사이트의 여러 위치에서이 패널 html을 재사용하고 싶습니다.
위의 두 답변이 모두 효과가 있지만 (토니가 어떤 식 으로든 연결되는 예) 나는 위 게시물에서 가장 간결한 답변을 찾았습니다 (Kornelis Sietsma의 의견)
I 추측은 render :layout
하지 정확히 내가 무엇을 찾고 있었다 :
# Some View
<%= render :layout => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => 'some title'} do %>
<p>Here is some content</p>
<% end %>
와 결합 :
# /shared/_panel.html.erb
<div class="v-panel">
<div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
<h3><%= title -%></h3>
<div class="v-panel-c">
<%= yield %>
Here's an alternative based on previous answers.
Create your partial on shared/_modal.html.erb
<div class="ui modal form">
<i class="close icon"></i>
<div class="header">
<%= heading %>
<div class="content">
<%= capture(&block) %>
<div class="actions">
<div class="ui negative button">Cancel</div>
<div class="ui positive button">Ok</div>
Define your method on application_helper.rb
def modal_for(heading, &block)
partial: 'shared/modal',
locals: { heading: heading, block: block }
Call it from any view:
<%= modal_for('My Title') do |t| %>
<p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the partial</p>
<% end %>
You can use the capture helper, and even inline in the render call :
<%= render 'my_partial',
:locals => { :title => "Some Title" },
:captured => capture { %>
<p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the partial</p>
<% } %>
and in shared/panel:
<h3><%= title %></h3>
<div class="my-outer-wrapper">
<%= captured %>
which will produce:
<h3>Some Title</h3>
<div class="my-outer-wrapper">
<p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the partial</p>
See http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/CaptureHelper.html
Based on the accepted answer this is what worked well for me using Rails 4.
We can render a panel as such:
= render_panel('Non Compliance Reports', type: 'primary') do
%p your content goes here!
This requires a helper method and a shared view:
helper method (ui_helper.rb)
def render_panel(heading, options = {}, &block)
options.reverse_merge!(type: 'default')
options[:panel_classes] = ["panel-#{options[:type]}"]
render layout: '/ui/panel', locals: { heading: heading, options: options } do
View (/ui/panel.html.haml)
.panel{ class: options[:panel_classes] }
.panel-heading= heading
= yield
I think it will work (just did quick dirty test) if you assign it to a variable first and then output it.
<% foo = render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals =>{:title => "Some Title"} do %>
<p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the panel</p>
<% end %>
<%= foo %>
참고URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2951105/rails-render-partial-with-block
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